Workshops & Development Programs

Our team of psychologists and facilitators have expertise in delivering psycho-educational and behavioural change workshops focusing on the challenges of the modern workplace.

Behavioural Change Programs

Challenges of the modern workplaces demand the necessity for behavioural change workshops, focusing on employee development.

  Dealing With Aggressive Customers

  Diversity & Inclusion

  Workplace Sexual Harassment

  Family Violence

  Developing Emotional Intelligence

Customised Trainings & Workshops

We work closely with your Managers and HR Teams to provide tailor made customised services to meet the changing needs of your business as it continues to grow, evolve and flourish.

We provide the following workshops:

Workplace Bullying

Dealing With Stress

Self Care

Motivation & Purpose In Life

Our Other Services

We provide workshops, webinars, and trainings that targets the unique challenges facing organizations.

Request a proposal today for better employee performance & higher returns for your organisation.

Some Of Our Esteemed Partners

EAP-India is committed to implementing quality, evidence-based interventions and delivering on our promises to build a mentally strong and resilient workforce.
EAP-India partners with an increasing number of organizations caring for over 1 million employees and their family members. 

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