Critical Incidents Response

The EAP-India critical response team is available 24/7/365 days a year to offer early intervention and support to your staff immediately after an event or crisis.

Steps To Recovery

The EAP-India critical response team will ensure your staff receives early intervention immediately after a crisis, particularly support those staff members that present with an acute stress response.

Staff members who are assessed as high risk of psychological injury are assessed and supported to implement strategies to normalize the distress.

Our Trauma specialist counsellors will monitor trauma symptoms in staff and engage with them for ongoing counselling and skill building sessions.

Our Other Services

We provide workshops, webinars, and trainings that targets the unique challenges facing organizations.

Request a proposal today for better employee performance & higher returns for your organisation.

Some Of Our Esteemed Partners

EAP-India is committed to implementing quality, evidence-based interventions and delivering on our promises to build a mentally strong and resilient workforce.
EAP-India partners with an increasing number of organizations caring for over 1 million employees and their family members. 

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