Author: Bee Mahimkar

Blurred Boundaries: Understanding And Managing Workplace Fatigue

In today’s fast-paced world, the lines between work and home life have become increasingly blurred. With the advancement in technology and the prevalence of remote work, individuals find themselves seamlessly transitioning between their professional responsibilities and domestic duties. This shift is especially prominent among young families, where women often juggle…

What Is The Meaning Of Detachment From Work…

As a customer service engineer, Sameer confronts a steady stream of calls from clients seeking solutions to their software issues. Specializing in unraveling coding complexities, Sameer approaches each challenge with dedication, delving into the core of the problem. He seamlessly combines his engineering prowess with hypothesis-driven intuition, aiming to address…
Picture Credit: @PinterestEngineering

Have You Or Someone You Know Experienced Online Harassment?

With the increasing prevalence of online work, the phenomenon of workplace online harassment has become a stark reality. Online harassment encompasses behaviors that leverage technology to humiliate, threaten, intimidate, or bully colleagues or individuals associated with the workplace. This form of mistreatment can manifest on various online platforms, including social…

Why Hybrid Working Is Good For Indian Employees? Insights For HR Managers

In today’s professional landscape, HR Managers frequently find themselves fielding a crucial question: “What is your flexible work policy?” Prospective employees are increasingly scrutinizing the flexible hybrid work policies of potential employers as a pivotal factor in their job acceptance decisions. Nowhere is this more apparent than in India, where…

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