Author: Bee Mahimkar

The Courage To Be Disliked: Finding Real Freedom As An HR Professional

As an HR professional, you’re often caught in a balancing act. You have the responsibility of managing tasks, maintaining harmonious relationships with colleagues, and adhering to your values and principles. It’s a challenging role, one that demands a careful balance between personal integrity and workplace dynamics. Many HR professionals naturally…

Dealing with a Toxic Boss?

As a manager, you’re responsible for your team’s productivity and well-being. Yet, when faced with a toxic boss, your sense of belonging and workplace satisfaction can plummet. A 2022 Gallup study revealed that many middle managers in India face significant negative emotions, with 44% worrying, 50% stressing, and 18% feeling…

Call Me Your Therapist

Did you know that the difference between a therapist, counsellor, and psychologist lies not just in their titles, but in their training and approach to mental health? Understanding these differences is important for individuals seeking support and guidance for their mental well-being. Let’s begin with psychologists, professionals who undergo rigorous…

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